Anxiety Ginny Paige Anxiety Ginny Paige

Perfectionism, Social Anxiety and Imposter Syndrome - Finding Balance & Healing With EMDR Therapy

Perfectionist tendencies, social anxiety and imposter syndrome are part and parcel of the human experience, but as a way of life, can exhaust us mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually to the point of burnout. EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy) is a tool with the potential to lessen and even eliminate these often debilitating tendencies that we may have given up all hope of moving through.

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  • Grief is an individual experience. Move through your loss at your own pace.

    Whether you’re struggling to grieve your loss, feeling like you’re going through the motions with no relief, or are unsure what moving through a loss looks like, you’re not alone.